Mosquito Control

Mosquito Control

Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, malaria etc. To prevent the transmission of these diseases, the mosquito population must be kept at bay.

The most effective way to control the mosquito population is to prevent breeding.

  • Application of insecticide Apply insecticides to all stagnant water and water-bearing containers at ground level and on upper floors.
  • Destruction of mosquito breeding Destroy all mosquito breeding found during the inspection and remove or treat all potential breeding habitats with insecticide.
  • Fogging
  • Thermal fogging will be used to control huge & in accessible areas to control Mosquitoes & Flies.
  • ULV foggers will be used in enclosed areas.
  • Residual spraying, A long lasting residual insecticides spray will be used for spraying treatment,.

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